
Presentation of the regional network of training centers

The CMA Pays de la Loire manages a network brings together vocational training centres in each departement in a wide variety of sectors.
The leading network for initial vocational training in the Pays de la Loire Region!
It is a network made up of 5 Training Centres (6 sites in Maine et Loire, Sarthe, Mayenne, Vendée and Loire Atlantique) managed by the CMA Pays de la Loire. Apprenticeship or professionalisation, this is a path of excellence providing jobs and future prospects !
It helps to ensure professional integration through lifelong learning. It offers training courses leading to qualifications and technical modules to enable employees and job seekers to reorient, retrain and enter the skilled crafts sector.
It is a regional campus at the service of employment and integration, business development and regional dynamics:

  • 85% exam success rate
  • 8 401 learners in training (initial vocational training, continuing education, etc.)
  • 90% of learners satisfied with their training
  • 4 990 partner companies
  • 88% of companies satisfied
  • 755 learners in European and international mobility in 2022/2023
  • 630 employees, including 450 trainers/teachers, experts in employment and pedagogy.

A large number of professional sectors are trained in our VET schools:

Food: Bakery, Pastry, Butchery, Delicatessen caterer, Fish shop, Chocolate confectioner, Ice cream maker, Brewer, Catering agent, Cook, Hotel-café-restaurant Tertiary: Accounting, SME management, Technical sales representative, Early produce seller, Bakery and pastry seller, Sale - trade, Real estate professions, Operational Commercial, Management, VSME ManagementServices/Health: Hairdressing, Aesthetics, Florist, Pharmacy Preparerr Arts & Crafts: Cabinetmaking, Tapestry of furnishing, Stained glass artist Mechanics: Auto body mechanic, Automobile mechanics, Motorcycle mechanics, Truck Mechanics, Auto body painter, Agricultural mechanics, Mechanics of green spaces vehicules Building: Tiles mosaicist, Wood Carpenter, Roofer, Electrician, Mason, Carpenter manufacturer, Carpenter installer, Sanitary installer, Thermal Installer, Plasterer, Painter

International Mobility within the CMA Pays de la Loire

The Pays de la Loire Chamber of Skilled Crafts is a key player in the field of craftsmanship and international mobility. It has enabled almost 5,000 people to carry out international mobility projects for over 10 years.

The vision of international mobility for CMA Pays de la Loire :

Mobility is a lever within a learner's or staff's career path enabling them to acquire skills (social, professional, technical, linguistic, cross-disciplinary, etc.) and knowledge facilitating integration or the pursuit of a professional career.

The Pays de la Loire Chamber of Skilled Crafts works to develop mobility and international cooperation projects as means of qualifying learners, staff, organisations and territories.The objective is to increase the quantity, diversity but also the quality of cooperation projects and European and international mobility in order to contribute to the strengthening of skills and pathways to facilitate professional integration.

Mobility in many countries:

  • Germany,
  • Ireland,
  • Belgium,
  • Norway,
  • Netherlands,
  • Spain,
  • Finland,
  • Italy,
  • Portugal,
  • Malta,
  • Benin,
  • Morocco,
  • Senegal…

Different schemes for learners and staff

► For apprentices: thanks to international mobility, they can add international experience to their career path to acquire new skills and find a job more easily.
CMA Pays de la Loire offers several opportunities to discover the world and learn elsewhere:
  • Pedagogical exploration mobility in group for 1 week

  • Erasmus+ short-term 15-day internships in group in companies in Europe.

  • Erasmus+ long-term mobility (more than 3 months) in training centers in Europe

  • Erasmus+ Long-Term individual Internships in Europe for apprenties and young graduates (from 2 to 9 months)

  • Apprentices mobility outside Europe


For trainers / teachers or teaching staff within CMA Pays de la Loire, they can share their skills and/or discover new practices in their sector abroad to strengthen their professional career path thanks to one of the following types of mobility:

  • Short Erasmus + mobility for staff

  • Staff mobility outside Europe

For apprentices or staff from a vocational training centre abroad, they can come and share and acquire knowledge and skills within CMA Pays de la Loire's and/or a company in the region through one of these mobility schemes:

  • Hosting European apprentices for a short or long Erasmus + mobility project

  • Hosting staff from European training centres in the framework of Erasmus+ mobility


Structured support for international mobility

 A support process consisting of 5 steps is clearly defined to ensure that participants are supported in the best possible conditions by promoting equal opportunities and fighting discrimination.

5 mobility referents (in the different departments):

they promote, recruit, prepare, monitor and evaluate participants in international mobility projects within CMA Pays de la Loire vocational training centres. They work in conjunction with the regional coordinator on tools and good practices for managing international mobility projects.



National and International Cooperation within the CMA Pays de la Loire

CMA Pays de la Loire is involved in several international cooperation to develop new skills, tools and practices related to mobility and our learning sectors with different European organizations.

Project Erasmus + Mobilitimeline

CMA Pays de la Loire is coordinating this project which involves 4 other partners (Flensburg Chamber of Skilled Crafts in Germany, CFP Como Vocational Training Centre in Italy, Mediterraneo Culinary Center in Spain, Friesland College in the Netherlands).
This project therefore aims to develop a online tools accessible to all learners and mobility referents from vocational training centres in different European countries in order to structure and facilitate the pedagogical support and administrative management of their European mobility projects.
You can find the project website here !


Project Erasmus + EQAMOB II

The EQAMOB II project is coordinated by the Icelandic organisation IDAN and has a total of 6 European organisations (from Iceland, Denmark, Austria and France). France is represented by CMA France and the CMA Pays de la Loire. This Erasmus + cooperation project is planned to last 24 months.
The aim of the project is to digitally update and relaunch the European Quality Assurance Label for Learning Mobilities. In addition, the EQAMOB II project aims to design, implement and disseminate a quality assurance framework for learning to assess and make visible the involvement of companies and training organisations in learners’ mobility.


Project Erasmus + ETN4VET

This is a European cooperation project (funded under Erasmus+ KA2) which involves thirteen partners (training centres and professional organisations from the Netherlands, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and France) active in the field of mechanics. The Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat des Pays de la Loire is the French partner in this project.
The objective of this project is to develop tools, practices and network in the field of e-transport mechanics for the VET schools involved.


Project Erasmus + ENVIRASMUS

The project aims to identify and share information on sustainable development for participants of Erasmus + mobility in the vocational training sector. It will actively promote examples of good environmental and consumption practices that learners can use in their daily life, while measuring their behavior, their carbon footprint.
This project runs includes 6 European partners (from Slovenia, Spain, France, Italy and Sweden).


Project Erasmus + Skills 4 Future

Logo Europe-PEUThe project is aimed at teachers and learners in vocational training centers with the aim of creating an innovative learning environment.
This project aims to strengthen teachers' skills in digital pedagogical tools and methods. In addition, it also aims to strengthen the capacity of teachers by providing entrepreneurial education tools through the use of digital resources.
This project runs for 2 years. It includes 2 partners (ACEFPS USLIP Iasi from Romania and CMA Pays de la Loire from France).


Project Mon Apprentissage en Europe (MONA)

Logo France 2030Logo MONAThis project, carried out as part of the "Skills and professions of the future - France 2030" investment program with some forty vocational training structures in France (including CMA Pays de la Loire) and piloted by Euro App Mobility, aims to develop long term mobility (2 to 12 months) for apprentices in their vocational training courses.

For more information, please contact: Vincent Ledauphin ( of Elise Petit (


Numerous partners and supports :

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